Wednesday 16 May 2012

Decisions?, Decisions!

When life throws you a lemon, throw it back. Don't always let individuals trying to get things for free walk over you. Yes, it may look good on a portfolio but always remember quality is better than quantity. When you have a few work loads thrown in your direction decide which will be beneficial cost wise and also which ones will help you improve yourself. If you have produced show reels and advertisements but not created any fashion photography pieces, then do it for free and gain the experience and confidence. You can then show an example of this on your portfolio as it adds to your work produced.

This also gives you the opportunity to try something new and also have confidence knowing that you have done it before. Sit back and realize it wasn't as hard as you thought or decide where you need to improve for next time and then you will start to grow within yourself and next time you can understand the work that goes into it and also how fairly you can charge next time.

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