Wednesday 16 May 2012

Charging the customer?

When it comes to making money doing what you do best making it correctly and fairly is the best choice rather than making more faster. Being honest with money gives a good impression and makes more people value yourself and keeps people coming back and spreading your name and business offers. Rushing into making the big bucks and charging the moon with gold blocks will only leave a negative impression on yourself and your business.

Charging the right price which will help you survive and help your personal interests but also suites the customer or other person. This helps yourself in the long run with more business opportunity and also builds a concrete bridge to help you provide for yourself or/and your family in the future. This also build personal confidence making others happy with giving them good film pieces and products which they are happy with.

If it does not cost you anything to make or create then charge fairly and don't cut off your nose to spite your face. If its free then charge a little if you have to spend a little then charge little. Don't spend a lot to make the smaller item or you will lose out and companies or people will pay small fees for a lot more worth than they are actually getting!

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