Wednesday 16 May 2012


When you decide its time to create some film pieces there are some valuable extras that can be applied which will help in the long run but also some that will just decrease the size of your wallet and budget unnecessarily. For example if you are using a DSLR camera to film on for example a Canon 600D you will need a lens to fix on the front. That is where the magic happens, having the right lens for the right situation. Bird watchers and other outdoor types will have a lens the size of the Eiffel tower stuck on the front, this is something you do not need although ill admit it does look rather cool. A suitable sized lens like a 18-135 mm lens will do just fine for close ups and wide shots a long with a few other varieties. Massive or tiny lenses are never usually the case for success.

Bigger is not always better just a higher price!

Decisions?, Decisions!

When life throws you a lemon, throw it back. Don't always let individuals trying to get things for free walk over you. Yes, it may look good on a portfolio but always remember quality is better than quantity. When you have a few work loads thrown in your direction decide which will be beneficial cost wise and also which ones will help you improve yourself. If you have produced show reels and advertisements but not created any fashion photography pieces, then do it for free and gain the experience and confidence. You can then show an example of this on your portfolio as it adds to your work produced.

This also gives you the opportunity to try something new and also have confidence knowing that you have done it before. Sit back and realize it wasn't as hard as you thought or decide where you need to improve for next time and then you will start to grow within yourself and next time you can understand the work that goes into it and also how fairly you can charge next time.

Charging the customer?

When it comes to making money doing what you do best making it correctly and fairly is the best choice rather than making more faster. Being honest with money gives a good impression and makes more people value yourself and keeps people coming back and spreading your name and business offers. Rushing into making the big bucks and charging the moon with gold blocks will only leave a negative impression on yourself and your business.

Charging the right price which will help you survive and help your personal interests but also suites the customer or other person. This helps yourself in the long run with more business opportunity and also builds a concrete bridge to help you provide for yourself or/and your family in the future. This also build personal confidence making others happy with giving them good film pieces and products which they are happy with.

If it does not cost you anything to make or create then charge fairly and don't cut off your nose to spite your face. If its free then charge a little if you have to spend a little then charge little. Don't spend a lot to make the smaller item or you will lose out and companies or people will pay small fees for a lot more worth than they are actually getting!

Advetising yourself!

Life is not always what you write on a career CV or standing in a window attracting attention. There are unique ways to get yourself out into the open and start making new friends and work forces to build up on a business opportunity! Advertise yourself on the internet in an honest and modest fashion! Don't sell yourself because only shops and casinos use flashing lights and mind temptation. Write a small advertisement explaining our ideas and what you want or what you wish to do. This can be on something as local as a website offering items for sale and job positions available like or even

When you have this done you will allow other individuals like yourself to see what you want and they can reply at their own interest and draw professionals in who are searching for people like you! this gives you a unique opportunity to advertise yourself for free and allow others to see you or your work and even advertise your website for no cost and an international audience to get to know you!

Getting Started!

The first thing many people think about when it comes to creating movies and videography is the cost! yes, this is a large factor of obtaining better equipment and dreaming of the bigger picture but everyone has to small out small to build an empire. Small doesn't always mean tiny cameras and doll house sets and Lego people. Small means use a DSLR camera to film on and a Rode microphone instead of a £14,000 pound studio camera. This cuts out the boom mic and the pole and the zoom recorder which is a hefty cost. The small packs of equipment to the same job but to a smaller scale. We all know starting a company does not mean running out and remaking Saving Private Ryan and The Lion King and expecting success. You build up your own ideas and you expand on them and create something new instead of competing with someone already in the movie making game.

Start small and build have to have a foundation before you can expand and build the bigger picture!

Tuesday 15 May 2012

The First Vision!

When it comes to movie making the choices are endless! you have the Spielberg enthusiasts to the rocky horror show addicts. We all have this small vision of the perfect movie and imagine how easy to make it would be but the only obstacle standing in your way is the cost. With using smaller elements of equipment the quality is not as good but the experience expands greatly which is far more important.

We can all make do with many things in life but when it comes to the real deal people begin to expect the best and that is what you have to put in from day one. Unless you are born rich or have a lottery experience film making can be near impossible to reach modern society standards with the big dogs making the amazing pieces they produce internationally. In this business it is not what you know as much as who you know! and knowing the right people can get you further than experience in some cases, but remember its you making the film it wont always be your friends so the know how is vital!